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The Kalispell Clear Sky Chart
The chart above represents a set of astronomy-related forecasts, prepared by Environment Canada. The chart's author, Attilla Danko, cleverly adapted these forecasts into the observing tool you see above.
The blocks in each row represent one hour. The color shading of each block represents a particular level for that attribute. For instance, the color shading in the "Cloud Cover" row ranges from white (totally overcast) through shades of gray, green and blue, with the darkest blue indicating totally clear skies. Blue shading in the upper three rows, Cloud Cover, Transparency and Seeing, mean that conditions are favorable for observing.
A complete description of the color shading for all seven of the attributes can be found on the main Kalispell Clear Sky Chart page on Attilla's web site. In addition, that page offers additional "mouse-over" functionality that gives additional information for each hour block.