BSAC Banner Footer

Welcome to the Big Sky Astronomy Club

The Big Sky Astronomy Club is a group of dedicated amateur astronomers located in the beautiful Flathead Valley of Northwestern Montana.

Inside you will find information about our club, our monthly meetings, Star Parties and other events (both past and future), resources for observing plus

a poignant and special message from the late Dr. Carl Sagan.

We cordially invite you to

"Discover the Universe with The Big Sky Astronomy Club"

Notice: The observing event for the lunar occultation of Mars, scheduled for this evening has been cancelled due to the liklihood for completely overcast skies.

2025 Club Meetings

January 1, 2025

Our schedule for 2025 is now on our Meetings & Events Page. Please join us at one of our upcoming meetings!

Moon Occults Mars 01/13/25

January 13, 2025 EVENT CANCELLED

Every so often, in its orbit around the Earth, our Moon will occasionally occult, or pass in front of, a bright star, asteroid or planet. On Monday, January 13 the Moon will occult the planet Mars as seen from here in Kalispell. The BSAC is inviting the public to witness this interesting event with us, weather permitting. Club members will have telescopes set up along with an array of hand-held binoculars availble for our visitors to observe with. The event will be held at the west parking lot of the West Valley Fire Department, located at 2412 Farm-To-Market Road. That is just 1/4 mile north of the West Valley School. Visitors should arrive by 6:30 PM and the event will last until around 8 PM.

In the event of inclement weather (cloudy skies), a cancellation notification will be posted here, so if you are planning to attend, please check back on Monday afternoon to confirm whether or not the observing event is going to take place.

2025 Logan Pass Star Parties

Summer Season, 2025

See The Milky Way Poster

We are happy to annouce that the BSAC, in conjunction with Glacier National Park will host three Logan Pass Star Parties this summer.

The dates for this year's events are yet to be announced, so check back later this spring.

Montana Chapter IDA To Reorganize

June 11, 2023

The International Dark Sky Association has decided to no longer underwrite individual State Chapters . Our IDA Montana Chapter received its official status as of May of 2019.

Our organization is still active and is continuing its efforts to fight light pollution and protect our Dark Skies. With the reorganization, we will share an affilliation or partnership of one sort or another with the IDA.

The reorganization is not complete as of this writing, but we will announce the launch of "Starry Skies Montana" as soon as we can.

DIL Astroturism Article

November 10, 2019

A Meteor Streaks Over Mount Oberlin in Glacier National Park - Jeremy Weber

The front page of the Sunday November 10, 2019 issue of the Daily Inter Lake prominently featured a wonderful article by reporter Kianna Gardner on the growing astrotourism industry in Montana. The article described how the Flathead's relatively dark skies are becoming an attraction to those looking for a nighttime experience they cannot find at their own place of residence.

The importance of preserving the heritage of our dark skies in Montana cannot be overstated. Reducing the amount of Light Pollution and its many harmful effects in Montana will not only provide economic opportunities across the state, it will benefit all of the state's wildlife that we hold so dear.

A PDF of the DIL article can be opened by clicking this link: DIL-Montana's Dark Skies Spur Astrotourism

Logan Pass Star Party 07-29-16